Monday, January 10, 2005

Building an Enterprise using Hosted Services I

Hopefully I'll get back to the service versioning problem later. But in the mean time I keep hitting against the idea of running a enterprise just by using hosted services. This seems very attractive - no software to install and manage, cut down on the amout of hardware you need etc.. So I thought it would be interesting to find out what types of business processes can be supported in this way. First one I found was Talaris who deal with procurement. Next was - they deal with, obviously enough, sales processes (incuding CRM). One in Germany, Acinum who deals with various SCM procesess (careful, when I tried, the english version was not working).

I'm sure there are more and when I find them I'll blog them. Maybe you can run all your companies business processes just by using hosted services from different suppliers. But how will they all work together?

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